eNews • May 2014
Promoting a Cost-Effective, Reliable and Competitive Transportation System

DOT Report: More than 63,000 bridges need repair; Problem severe in key soybean producing states

Recent analysis by the U.S. Department of Transportation reveals the nation has a total of 63,000 bridges that are rated as structurally deficient and in need of repair. Of particular concern to farmers, many of the states with the highest number and/or the highest percentage of structurally deficient bridges are those with sizable soybean production.

A structurally deficient bridge is classified as requiring significant maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement.

Prominent soybean producing states that have the highest number of structurally deficient bridges:

State Rank Number of Bridges Structurally Deficient Bridges % of Total
Iowa 2 24,398 5,043 21%
Missouri 4 24,350 3,357 14%
Nebraska 6 15,370 2,739 18%
Kansas 7 25,171 2,554 10%
Illinois 9 26,621 2,275 9%
Ohio 11 27,015 2,242 8%
Indiana 13 18,953 1,944 10%
Michigan 16 11,022 1,298 12%
Kentucky 18 14,116 1,234 9%
South Dakota 19 5,875 1,210 21%
Tennessee 22 20,058 1,157 6%
Minnesota 23 13,137 1,086 8%
North Dakota 28 4,439 726 16%

Prominent soybean producing states that have the highest percentage of structurally deficient bridges:

State Rank Number of Bridges Structurally Deficient Bridges % of Total
Iowa 3 24,398 5,043 21%
South Dakota 4 5,875 1,210 21%
Nebraska 5 15,370 2,739 18%
North Dakota 7 4,439 726 16%
Missouri 11 24,350 3,357 14%
Michigan 17 11,022 1,298 12%
Indiana 24 18,953 1,944 10%
Kansas 25 25,171 2,554 10%
Illinois 28 26,621 2,275 9%
Kentucky 29 14,116 1,234 9%
Minnesota 35 13,137 1,086 8%
Ohio 37 27,015 2,242 8%
Tennessee 45 20,058 1,157 6%

A full ranking of all 50 states can be accessed on the website of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association: http://www.slideshare.net/artba/state-bridge-rankings.

The Soy Transportation Coalition is comprised of thirteen state soybean boards, the American Soybean Association, and the United Soybean Board. The National Grain and Feed Association and the National Oilseed Processors Association serve as ex-officio members of the organization.

Soy Transportation Coalition
1255 SW Prairie Trail Pkwy., Ankeny, Iowa 50023
Phone: (515) 727-0665 Fax (515) 251-8657
Email msteenhoek@soytransportation.org
Web www.soytransportation.org

Funded by the Soybean Checkoff